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CRE Responsibilities and Duties

Generating new business opportinities

-> Reachout to prospective clients with offer of products & services
-> Help business grow through new business acquisitions, planning, retention and management.
-> Maintain complete and accurate customer correspondence/company data in CRMs
-> Negotiate and manage agreements through business contracts.
-> Prospective client communication: Calls, voicemails, emails. SMS, etc
-> Work on sales funnel

Retaing existing clients longer

-> Ensure customer satisfaction by maintaining & nurturing relationships with existing clients.
-> Ensure products & services delivered meet or exceed the customer requirements.
-> Ensure quality and consistency of services/products delivered to customers.
-> Schedule and conduct status meetings with Project Managers, Product engineers & customers.
-> Create online videos, training guides, FAQs, for the benefit & knowledge of all customers.
-> In-depth needs assessments to better understand client’s requirements.
-> Identifying a range of offerings to meet the goals/values/needs/wants of each client.

Handle client related tasks & issues

-> Proper refund and compensation to customers on time
-> Identify and develop problem solving methodologies to resolve customer issues.
-> Customer/Client Invoices
-> Develop and update client related reports.

Get more value from existing customers/clients

-> Ensure upselling/croselling and repeat business from existing clients
-> Affiliate deals
-> Whitelabeling Opportunities
-> Reference business
-> Client/customer testimonials and review
-> Repairing disengaged or fractured relationships with old clients.

This is work from home so a quiet time/place, power backup, 4g internet, a good headset with mic and web cam is suitable for interaction with clients.

Trial Tasks

  1. Create a blueprint of a sales funnel for a web design and development company
  2. How does creating online videos, FAQs, guides benefit customer retention
  3. Outline a process for upselling/cross selling
  4. Create your voice sample by reading the job post and recording it. Upload it your google drive & paste the link in trail task document. 
  5. Complete the above for points in a word document and attach it while filling application form. 

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