Optimization – CTR (Click Through Rate)
Increasing your CTR From SERP to Website
Step 1: Benchmark Your website

  1. Get Google Webmaster Account (Link)
  2. Look for keywords with Low CTR <5%
  3. Look for Pages that have Low CTR <4%
  4. Download the results from the bottom of the page
  5. Add the results in the template (Download Template)
  6. Use the following Template (link)

Step 2: Optimize

  1. Edit pages/Keywords with Low CTR by adding high CTRs words like ‘how to’,’best’,’free’,’tips’,’great’,’tricks’,’blog post’ ,’You’ ‘why’ ‘Great’ ‘[List-Related-number]’ etc to generate more clicks.
  2. After making the necessary changes,have google re-crawl your site
  3. In the crawl tab click on Fetch As Google
  4. Then add url and click Fetch
  5. Then click Submit to Index
  6. Select the option Crawl this URL and its direct links

from serch engine result page (SERP) to your websiteStep 3: Measure Results

  1. Wait for 30 days to see results
  2. Go to the webmaster tool and add the new results to the previous File and compare improvement
  3. Compare results.

If you have any problems you can get professional help for improving your site average CTR to more than 10% (Get Help)

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