[vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”Top 6 WordPress Backup Plugins Compared” font_container=”tag:h2|text_align:center|color:%23ffffff” google_fonts=”font_family:Montserrat%3Aregular%2C700|font_style:400%20regular%3A400%3Anormal”][mpc_grid_anything easy_notice=”” cols=”3″ gap=”20″][vc_column_text]
BoldGrid Backup
[/vc_column_text][/mpc_grid_anything][vc_empty_space][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]5 Steps to Implement WordPress Backups
- Download and install WordPress Backup Plugin
- Configure the backup plugin
- Set up offsite backups like DropBox, Amazon S3, etc
- Complete your first backup. Test if its backed up everything correctly.
- Schedule regular backups like “daily database-only & weekly full backups.”
Important Features to consider in a backup plugin
- Automated backups feature wil save time and keep the process running without intervention.
- Storage in multiple locations
- Incremental backups happens when the site files and database tables have been changed
- Manual backup options should be present.
- Settings for more specific backup scheduling
- Disaster recovery – Should have a feature for backup of your backups
- Downloadable backups is also an essential feature to have.
- A clean dashboard for finding and managing backups
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]
Some reasons why backups are absolutely nesessary
- Accidents Happen and can be never be predicted
- Hacking Is More Common Than You Think
- Website Updates will definitely break your website at somepoint
Some reasons for not using wordpress back plugins
- Minimize Plugin Use on website for performance inprovment.
- Customized Backup Approach may be required for bigger websites where you may need more control as to how the backups happen.
- Enhance website Site Security by relying less on 3rd party plugins & services
How to Backup Your Website Without a Plugin
- Use a Tool Like CodeGuard on hosts like hostgator
- Do a Manual Backup through cPanel tool called ‘Backup Wizard’.
- Backup Your Site via FTP by downloading the website folder (WP-content folder)
- Take backups of database by using PHPmyadmin
Installing FTP Client on windows
FileZilla is the FTP Client used to connect to files on Google Cloud straight from our desktop. Download filezilla by clicking “Download Filezilla Client”
Then go to downloaded file and right click and the choose “Run As Administrator”
Click I Agree and continue to install filezilla
Installing PuttyGen on windows
PuttyGen is an SSH Key generator needed to generate a private/public key pair for connection between Google Cloud & and your computer via filezilla. Download Putty. Then right click and install it on your system.
Generate SSH Keys
Generate SSH Keys in Putty
Copy and save the keys
Paste Public Key in Google Cloud
Upload Private Key in FileZilla
Establish Connection to Google Cloud
Navigate to your root directoryNavigate to your root directory
Updraft WordPress Backup Plugin Installation
- Delete any older version of folder via FTP (only devs can do this)
- Install Updraft Plugin (Won’t Install From WP Repository)
- Location of Plugin for Premium Version https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B5_fl21Eccs0VFpBaFVSVjhrRXc
Let the deleting finish. U can do other stuff.
Setup project in google cloud console ( one time)
2. Activate the Drive API (one time)
Setting Client Keys & Secret
Setting Encryption 
Authenticate with Google: Connecting to Backup Server
After saving Logging through the App created previously. Use the account you created the app. Once correctly logged in, the test backup works ok. This will create a folder “website.com” in drive and a backup file.
Give these settings