Theme developed from scratch. | Yes | Yes |
One time payment | $2990 | $1990(first month) |
Recurring Cost | $0 | $399/mo |
Development Progress Levels
| Development Timeline (2 months)
| Development Timeline (6 months)
Responsive, Retina Ready, Fast Loading | Yes | Yes |
SEO Ready | Yes | Yes |
Homepage + 9 inner pages (For more pages, check our Service Extras) | Yes | Yes |
Visual Composer Ready (you need to BYO) | Yes | Yes |
Sidebar Widgets of your choice. | 1 Widgets | 1 Widgets |
Footer Widgets of your choice. | 3 Widgets | 3 Widgets |
Newsletter setup with a sign-up form. | Yes | Yes |
Contact form 7 setup with Recaptcha to prevent spam. | Yes | Yes |
Google Maps Integration if needed. | On-Demand | Yes |
Multilingual Setup if needed. | On-Demand | Yes |
RTL Support | On-Demand | Yes |
Social Media Icons | Yes | Yes |
Social Media Share Integration | On-Demand | On-Demand |
Support after Theme Launch to fix any unforeseen bugs/issues. | 7 Days | As long as subscription active |
Provide ongoing website updates, backups & issue fixing. | No | As long as subscription active |
Help you and your clients by providing website development services. | On-Demand | On-Demand |
Robust Documentation in PDF, DOC or HTML format | No | In 6 Months |
Important Note
For dynamic functionality in your theme, we recommend the best plugins out there to achieve it. We don’t develop plugins from scratch in this service. We develop these themes in lines with the plugins used so there are certain limitations on what can be achieved and what cannot be in terms of design and functionality. Though, we guarantee that the final outcome of the theme will 90-95% exactly similar as per your design.
Our Complete Services List
For our complete services list read below.
- Custom theme build:
- Addon for theme development service
- Video Screencasts $100/video
- Banner Design $50/banner
- Content Service $40/Page
- Pack of 5 pages $200
- One page $50
- Scheduled WordPress maintenance: We perform site maintenance either as small projects on request or by scheduling a developer to do updates on a regular basis.
- The premium theme builds If you have premium themes that you like to work with, we can build your sites on those instead of doing a custom build.
- Converting to WordPress If your client already has a site and wants to convert it into WordPress, we’re happy to do it for you.
- Premium theme modification Occasionally we do get requests to modify existing WordPress themes, but many times a custom build is preferable.
- Server migration Our development team will assist in moving all websites live when ready. We have experience with many different hosts.
- Content migration Avoid spending your own time copy-pasting — in our standard quotes, we include moving 100 pages of content. Additional content is quoted separately.
- Yoast SEO setup WordPress is already optimized to be search-friendly, but we also include the Yoast SEO plugin and Google Analytics by default.
- Page speed optimization We can help make your sites load faster by optimizing images and minifying CSS and Javascript files for you.
- Website Security We secure every website we build by providing the most current version of WordPress, thoroughly tested plugins, and The Login Lockdown plugin.
- Multi-language We can support multilingual websites by installing and setting up the WordPress Multilingual Plugin.
- WooCommerce Our team can handle product setup, payment gateways, shipping standards and other customizations upon request.
Process for Theme development & briefing Details
- Project scope Document: We collect your specifications: Each project starts with collecting and discussing the materials for developing the site from your designs. Ideally, we’d like to receive:
- layered Photoshop files (or Sketch, Illustrator, XD, Webflow, …) or theme files
- detailed instructions for functionality and UI/UX elements
- any other preferences for how you like your sites to be built
- Web Server access: Login/Admin Details of your Web Hosting Control Panel (will be needed for staging/testing/progress updates)
- Price updates: The prices above are for reference. The final quote will be based on the details collected. Before starting development, we will provide you with a fixed-price quote for the project based on your design files and specifications. Upon acceptance of the quote, we arrange for the next skilled developer to start to code the custom theme.
- Project Management: When you start to work with us, we introduce you to an account manager that you communicate with regarding all your projects with us. Within our office, they oversee and manage the progress of your projects.
Underscores – Starter Theme (Base theme to kickstart the development) (or alternatives) | Redux – Theme Options Framework (For building theme options panel) (or alternatives) |
Visual Composer – Page Builder (For building pages) | Contact Form 7 – Contact Forms (For creating contact forms) |
MetaBox – Custom Post Types and Metaboxes (For creating custom post types and meta-boxes) (or another alternative) | Other Plugins Based On Your Requirement for Dynamic Functionality. We will suggest these based on your Theme requirements. |
If you have any questions or need to discuss prior to starting the project, reach out to us on [email protected]. We will discuss all your requirements and get started with the work.