Hello, Welcome to prefr.co. Please follow instructions on this page
Job & Salary Discussion
Please join us on slack to discuss the job requirements & salary. Follow the link https://prefr.co/slack/ Enter your email
You will be sent a confirmation email.
Go to your inbox and click the confirmation link.
Create a new username and password for login.
Accept terms and conditions.
Click skip tutorial.
Enable Desktop Notifications
Getting Work Email “[email protected]”
- Say hi everyone in #team_room
- SOmeone will contact you to provide you with your new work account [email protected] .
- Once your account is created you will receive your
- Username: [email protected]
- Password: Sent by Harry
Accessing your work email “[email protected]”
- You can use this to to login to your company mailbox located on https://mail.zoho.com/zm/#mail/folder/inbox
- Please use this mail to signup for all necessary accounts.
- There may be penalty for using personal accounts so be sure to always use the official email everywhere related to work.
- You can also link you official email to be used in your personal gmail by following instructions here.
- You can access Official emails on android phone via Blue mail app. Instructions for connecting Bluemail to official email are here
Getting access to time tracking software “Desktime”
DeskTime is a simple and secure time tracking app that lets us track the time you work for the company.
- Ask @harry in slack to send you desktime invite on your new official work email
- Once you are invited please check inbox for a desktime invitation email
- In the E-mail you received there will your DeskTime account Username, Password, and the green button Join the team, which will lead you to the DeskTime main page.
- Log in with the given credentials and download the DeskTime app and start the download.
- In the end, log in with the same credentials into the DeskTime app and start tracking your time.
- Login with details provided into desktop desktime app. Instructions
- Important Points to remember
- Start desktime everytime you start work.
- Visit here to know more on desktime terminologies.
- Please note the various Icons in your system taskbar for desktime. Here is list of desktime Icons status.
All applications need to be Downloaded
- Work Tools to Download
- Desktime – https://desktime.com/download
- Clickup – https://clickup.com/download
- Slack – https://slack.com/downloads
- Meeting tool to download
- Team Viewer – https://www.teamviewer.com/hi/download/windows.aspx
- ZOOM – https://zoom.us/download
- AnyDesk – http://anydesk.com/download
- Chrome – https://www.google.com/chrome/browser/desktop/index.html
- Firefox – https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/
- Chrome Extensions to Install
- Zoom – https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/zoom-scheduler/kgjfgplpablkjnlkjmjdecgdpfankdle?hl=en&gl=US&authuser=1
- Adblock – https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/adblock-%E2%80%94-best-ad-blocker/gighmmpiobklfepjocnamgkkbiglidom
- Desktime Extension – https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/desktime/joecgohaladjemjnjckellppmfbbminb?hl=en
- Apps to Install on Android Phone:
Step 6: Accounts Need to be Created
Create an account on Lastpass: Install Lastpass Extension in chrome where we will share all passwords for your projects. Once installed create an account here https://lastpass.com/create_account.php with your official [email protected] account